Puya santosii Cuatrec.

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. 1957. The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 33: i-v, 1-311.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Puya santosii Cuatrec.

  • Description

    Description - Stemless, 1-2 meters high; leaves very numerous, sheaths very broadly elliptic, dark brown and serrulate near the apex, elsewhere pale and entire, blades linear, acuminate, rigid, even and glabrous above, minutely pale-lcpidote between the nerves beneath, laxly serrate with slender dark uncinate spines 3.5 mm. long; scape central, erect, much exceeding the leaves, 4 cm. in diameter; scape-bracts numerous and very densely imbricate, the lower foliaceous, the upper elliptic-oblong with a small linear glabrous green blade, dark brown, brown-tomentose; inflorescence ellipsoid and obtuse at anthesis, cylindric in fruit, 3-5 dm. long; primary bracts ample, dark brown, firm, the lower ones much exceedmg tne flowers, serrulate near apex, thee upper shorter than the corollas, entire; fascicles of 2-3 fertile and several aborted flowers; floral bracts ovate-elliptic, acute, exceeding the sepals; pedicels 5 mm. long at anthesis, 10 mm. long in fruit; sepals elliptic, obtuse, 16-19 mm. long, 6-10 mm. wide; petals obtuse, 30-36 mm. long, 6-10 mm. wide, greenish blue, naked; stamens included, anthers 4 mm. long; capsule subglobose, 12-20 mm. long.