Puya goudotiana Mez

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. 1957. The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 33: i-v, 1-311.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Puya goudotiana Mez

  • Description

    Description - Flowering plant to 5 meters high; leaves over 1 m. long, sheaths sub-orbicular, pale, densely serrulate, blades linear, long-acuminate, rigid, pungent, glabrous above, minutely pale-Iepidote between the nerves beneath, very laxly serrate with flat dark more or less uncinate spines 4-1 1 mm. long; scape erect, very stout; scape-bracts densely imbricate, the lower subfoliaccous but with thinner bases, the upper suborbicular with a narrowly triangular apex, dark brown, submembranaceous, soon disintegrating; inflorescence bipinnate, cylindrical; primary bracts very broadly ovate, triangular-acute, longer or shorter than the axillary branches, entire, covered with a pale brown evanescent indument, dark brown; racemes lax, the axes 2-8 cm, long, rather slender; floral bracts broadly elliptic, acute, exceeding the pedicels, dark brown, membranaceous; flowers divergent to spreading; sepals lanceolate, 20-29 mm. long, prominently nerved, pubescent with minute pale trichomes, soon glabrous; petals 5-6 cm. long, blade suborbicular, green or greenish blue; stamens shorter than the petals, anthers 8-9 mm. long; capsule subglobose.