Drepanolejeunea lichenicola (Spruce) Steph.
Gradstein, S. Robbert & Ilkiu-Borges, Anna L. 2009. Guide to the plants of Central French Guiana. Part 4. Liverworts and hornworts. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): i-iv + 1-140.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Plants 0.2-0.6 mm wide. Leaf lobes suberect to obliquely spread¬ing, asymmetrically falcate-lanceolate, dorsal margin hardly dilated beyond leaf base, lobes 2.5-4 times longer than wide, rather flat, apex acute-acuminate, margins toothed, teeth 1-2 cells long, ventral margin additionally with a long and sharp tooth (3-4 cells long) just above junction with keel. Cells in midlobe 15-22 x 10-15 µm, somewhat thick-walled, trigones small to medium-sized; ocelli single or 2 in a broken row in lower 1/2 of lobe. Lobules 1/3-1/2 of leaf length, sometimes reduced, uniformly inflated, free margin strongly involute, apical tooth long, preapical tooth large, sometimes crossing with apical tooth. Underleaf lobes 2-3 cells long, 1(2) cells wide at base, obliquely to horizontally diverging. Dioicous. Perianth keels strongly toothed-winged.