Cyclolejeunea chitonia (T.Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) A.Evans
Gradstein, S. Robbert & Ilkiu-Borges, Anna L. 2009. Guide to the plants of Central French Guiana. Part 4. Liverworts and hornworts. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): i-iv + 1-140.
Scientific Name
Cyclolejeunea chitonia (T.Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) A.Evans
Species Description - Plants 1.5-3 mm wide, pale green to pale brown. Leaf lobes im¬bricate, ± asymmetrically ovate with dorsal margin arched and ventral margin straight, apex rounded, margins weakly to strongly toothed. Cells in midlobe isodiametrical, 25-35 µm, thin-walled, with small, radiate trigones, intermediate thickenings lacking, cuticle smooth or weakly papillose. Lobules ovoid to elongate, 1/4-1/3 of lobe length, inflated, with a short, falcate tooth. Underleaves short- bifid to 1/5 of length, distant to imbricate, broadly ovate to almost reniform, 2-4 times stem width, margins entire or toothed. Dioicous. Gemmae wider than long, without marginal rhizoids.