Aeschynomene sensitiva var. hispidula (Kunth) Rudd

  • Authority

    Rudd, Velva E. 1955. The American species of Aeschynomene. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 32: 1-172.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Aeschynomene sensitiva var. hispidula (Kunth) Rudd

  • Type

    Type Locality: Río Magdalena, near Badillo (as "Badillas"), Santander, Colombia. Type collected by Bonpland (No, 1563), cited below.

  • Description

    Description - This differs from the typical variety in having stems densely hispidulous, the tuberculate-based hairs so closely placed on the upper stems that the epidermis is about half to completely obscured; the flowers tend to be larger, 7-9 mm. long; the young fruits are hispid, the older ones usually glabrate.

  • Discussion

    These few specimens represent the extreme of glandular development within the species. The tendency can be observed occasionally northward in Central America as far as Guatemala and British Honduras, and eastward into Venezuela. In these regions, however, the flowers are about the same as those of the typical variety. The condition does not seem to merit specific status and it is doubtful if even varietal recognition is warranted. Bentham reduced his Ae. rudis to Ae. hispidula. However, after examining the type specimen of Ae. hispidula and a photograph of the type of Ae. rudis, I am convinced that they are quite dissimilar.

  • Common Names
