Cyrto-hypnum scabrosulum (Mitt.) W.R.Buck & H.A.Crum

  • Authority

    Buck, William R. 2003. Guide to the plants of central french Guiana. Part 3. Mosses. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-167.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Cyrto-hypnum scabrosulum (Mitt.) W.R.Buck & H.A.Crum

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants small and slender, in dull, mostly green to yellowish green, often lax mats; stems to ca. 6 cm long, regularly 2-pinnate; paraphyllia moderately abundant on stems, sparse at base of primary branches, none on secondary branches and distal ends of primary branches, filamentous, uniseriate, unbranched, 2-5 cells long, the cells quadrate, ca. 1:1, all cells pluripapillose, the distal cell truncate. Stem leaves appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, broadly ovate-triangular, ± abruptly broadly acuminate, 0.3-0.6 x 0.2-0.4 mm; margins crenulate-papillose throughout, narrowly recurved below; costa ending in but not filling the acumen; cells short-rectangular, 7-16 x 6-9 µm, pluripapillose with 2-5 papillae/cell on both surfaces, the papillae arranged around the periphery of the lumina, becoming longer in the acumen and juxta- costally. Secondary branch leaves incurved when dry, spreading when moist, laxly disposed so that branches obviously exposed when dry, ovate, obtuse to broadly acute, 0.15-0.24 x 0.01-0.15 mm; margins regularly crenulate-papillose, plane; costa ending ca. 2/3 the leaf length, apical portion often covered with quadrate cells, not or scarcely projecting at back; cells ± quadrate, 6(10) µm in diameter, pluripapillose on both surfaces, the papillae arranged around the periphery of the lumina. Perichaetial leaves serrulate to sparsely short-ciliate; costa ending in and filling the acumen. Setae roughened throughout, 0.7-2.0 cm long; capsules horizontal to pendent, short- cylindric, 0.5-1.0 mm long. Calyptrae cucullate, naked, smooth.

  • Discussion

    Cyrto-hypnum scabrosulum is characterized by incurved, laxly spaced secondary branch leaves that, when dry, allow the branches to be visible. The perichaetial leaves have a costa that fills almost the whole length of the acumen, and the margins are serrulate to sparsely ciliate with only a few, erect cilia.

  • Distribution

    In non-flooded moist forests, somewhat common, 200-500 m, on rotten logs, humus, and tree bases.

    French Guiana South America|