Porotrichum korthalsianum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt.

  • Authority

    Buck, William R. 2003. Guide to the plants of central french Guiana. Part 3. Mosses. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-167.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Porotrichum korthalsianum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants medium-sized to robust, to ca. 9 cm tall, but mostly ca. 3 cm, stipitate-frondose, in dark green, wiry colonies; secondary stems mostly distinctly stipitate, to ca. 4 cm tall, mostly erect, dose, irregularly and weakly 2-pinnate, usually complanate foliate. Stipe leaves lax to imbricate, erect-spreading to sprea triangular-subulate, ± abruptly long-acuminate, the apex ± channeled, narrowly decurrent, 1-2.5 mm long. Secondary stem es complanate, spreading, oblong to ovate-ligulate, obtuse- apiculate to short-acute, ± concave at base, striolate when dry, 2-3 x 0.8-1 mm; margins serrate above with mostly 1-celled teeth, sub-serrulate to subentire below, plane or narrowly recurved below; costa ending 3/4-9/10 the leaf length, not or scarcely projecting at apex; cells fusiform, 40-70 x ca. 6 µm, smooth, firm-walled, ± porose, becoming shorter and rhombic, 1-3:1, in apical area, becoming longer toward the insertion and then at insertion rectangular, thick-walled, strongly porose and yellow; alar cells not or scarcely differentiated. Branch leaves spreading, not or weakly complanate, oblong to oblong-ligulate, 1.1-1.6 x 0.2-0.35 mm, with details identical to secondary stem leaves. Asexual propagula rare, of flagellate branches. Dioicous. Setae 0.4-1 cm long; capsules 1-2 mm long; exostome teeth on the front surface cross- striolate in basal 1/10-1/5, densely and ± finely papillose above; endostome with a medium-high, sparsely papillose basal mem¬brane, segments densely papillose, keeled, perforate to gaping, as long as the teeth, cilia in groups of 1-2, rudimentary, papillose.

  • Distribution

    In montane forests atop Mont Galbao, rare, 700 m, on tree trunks.

    French Guiana South America|