Phyllodrepanium falcifolium (Schwägr.) Crosby
Buck, William R. 2003. Guide to the plants of central french Guiana. Part 3. Mosses. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-167.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Plants small to medium-sized, golden to bronze colored, often in dense turfs; stems (0.5) 1-2(5) cm tall. Leaves not contorted when dry, long-cultelliform, acute to short-cuspidate, 2-5 x 0.5-0.75 mm; margins irregularly serrate, plane; costa mostly short-excurrent, strongly displaced toward postical margin; cells rounded-rhombic, thick-walled, 17-25(35) x 8-11 pm, smooth, becoming elongate on lower antical margins in 6-10 rows; basal cells long-rectangular, ca. 85 x 10 µm, porose. Propagula common, at stem apices. Fertile stems not complanate-foliate; setae ca. 2 cm long; capsules ca. 2 mm long; peristome teeth papillose.
In non-flooded hilly moist forests, somewhat common, ca. 400-500 m, on tree bases and trunks.
French Guiana South America|