Fissidens pallidinervis Mitt.
Buck, William R. 2003. Guide to the plants of central french Guiana. Part 3. Mosses. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-167.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Plants small, to ca. 5 mm tall. Leaves 0.5-1 x 0.2-0.4 mm, obtuse to bluntly acute, vaginant laminae equal; margins serrulate, limbate on lower 1/3-1/2 of vaginant laminae of perichaetial leaves and those immediately subtending them; costa subper- current or sometimes ending well below leaf apex; cells rounded- hexagonal, 5-8 µm in diameter, pluripapillose.
In non-flooded moist forest near Saul and on lower slopes on Mont Galbao, somewhat common, 200-500 m, on granitic rocks and bases of trees.
French Guiana South America|