Antennaria rosea Greene subsp. rosea

  • Authority

    Bayer, R. J. 1989. A Taxonomic Revision of the Antennaria Rosea (Asteraceae: Inuleae: Gnaphaliinae) Polyploid Complex. Brittonia. 41 (1): 53-60.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Antennaria rosea Greene subsp. rosea

  • Description

    Species Description - Rosette-leaves 20-40 mm long; stolons decumbent, 20-70 mm long; flowering stem 10-40 cm high; with cauline leaves, the lower 15-36 mm long, the upper 8-17 mm long; pistillate heads 6-20; involucre 5-8 mm high; phyllaries 4.5-6.5 mm long; florets 50-150 per head; corollas 3-4.5 mm long; pappus 4-6 mm long.

  • Discussion

    Antennaria dioica var. rosea D. Eaton in S. Wats. Bot. King Exp. 186. 1871, nomen nudum. TYPE: U.S.A. "In Nevada and Utah, from the Havallah Mountains to the Uintas; 6000-10000 feet elevation," S. Watson 652.

    Antennaria rosea Greene, Pittonia 3: 281. 1898. TYPE: U.S.A. IDAHO: "Mountain Meadows, Koo- tenai Co.," Jul 1891, J. B. Leiberg 646 (LECTOTYPE-designated here: NDG-0586 11 !)

    Antennaria imbricata E. Nels., Bot. Gaz. 27: 211. 1899. A. rosea var. imbricata (E. Nels.) E. Nels., Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 23: 707. 1901. TYPE: U.S.A. WYOMING: "North Fork of Crow Creek," 11 Jul 1896, E. Nelson 2036 (HOLOTYPE: RM-15191!; ISOTYPE: US-244816!).

    Antennaria bracteosa Rydb., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 143. 1900. TYPE: U.S.A. MONTANA: "Jack Creek Canion, Altitude 7000 feet," 15 Jul 1897, P. A. Rydberg & E. A. Bessey 5144 (LEcTrOTYPE-designated here: NY!; ISOLECTOTYPES: US-960721! & 361295!, NDG-04031! & 57979!).

    Antennaria oxyphylla Greene, Pittonia 4: 284. (26 Jan) 1901. TYPE: U.S.A. MONTANA: Gallatin Co., Spanish Peaks, 28 Jun 1897, P. A. Rydberg & E. A. Bessey 5148 (LECTOTYPE-designated here: NDG-052390!; ISOLECTOTYPE: US-361298!)

    Antennaria speciosa E. Nels., Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 23: 705. (4 Jun) 1901. TYPE: U.S.A. CALIFORNIA. San Bernardino Co.: "Bear Valley, San Bernardino Mountains, and their eastern base. Alt. 6500 feet," 23 Jul 1894, S. B. Parish 3354 (HOLOTYPE: US-214332!).

    Antennaria rosea subsp. divaricata E. Nels., Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 23: 707. 1901. TYPE: U.S.A. IDAHO: "Divide on the road from Custer to Challis," L. F. Henderson 3636 (HOLOTYPE: US).

    Antennaria hendersoni Piper, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 221. 1902. TYPE: U.S.A. WASHINGTON: Mt. Adams, 6 Aug 1892, L. F. Henderson 2290 (HOLOTYPE: US-529407!).

    Antennaria acuminata Greene, Ottawa Naturalist 27: 202. 1904. TYPE: CANADA. BRITISH COLUMBIA: "International Boundary Commission Collection. Chilliwack Valley, B.C. Between Lat. 49º and Lat 49º 10'; and Long, 121º 25' and Long. 122?," 8 Aug 1901, J. M. Macoun 26179 (LECrOTYPE- designated here: NDG-57794!; ISOLECTOTYPE: CAN- 105595!).

    Antennaria chlorantha Greene, Ottawa Naturalist 28: 38. 1904. TYPE: CANADA. BRITISH COLUMBIA: "Mts. N. of Chilliwack Lake, B. C., rocky slopes, alt. 6500'," 23 Jul 1901, J. M. Macoun 26197 (LECTOTYPE-designated here: NDG-58053!; ISOLECTOTYPES: CAN- 105180!).

    Antennaria lanulosa Greene, Ottawa Naturalist 28: 38. 1904. TYPE: CANADA. BRITISH COLUMBIA: "Chilliwack Valley, between Lat. 49º and Lat. 49º 10'; and Long. 1210 25' and Long. 1220, alt. 6000 ft.," 29 Aug 1901, J. M. Macoun 26194 (LEcTOTYPE-designated here: NDG-52162; ISOLECTOTYPE: CAN- 105190!).

    Antennariaformosa Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 1: 145. 1905. TYPE: U.S.A. COLORADo: "Plants of West Central Colorado, Region of the Gunnison Watershed," 1901, C. F. Baker 580 (LECTOTYPE- designated here: NDG-058172!; ISOLECTOTYPE: US-412217!). The isolectotype provides this additional information: "Gunnison, Jul 24, 7680 ft."

    Antennaria alborosea A. Pors., Canad. Field-Naturalist 60: 85. 1947. TYPE: CANADA. YUKON: "Canol Rd.: East side of Rose R. valley; granite mountain opposite mile 85-90. Elev 5000-6000'," 6 Jul 1944, A. E. Porsild & A. J. Breitung 10190 (HOLOTYPE: CAN- 105619!; ISOTYPE: US- 2052153!).

    Representative specimens examined: CANADA. BRITISH COLUMBIA: 9 mi N of Summit Lake along Hart Hwy., N of Prince George, J. A. Calder et al. 12480 (DAO); Copper Mtn., 8 mi SW of Nelson, J. A. Calder & D. B. 0. Savile 11061 (DAO), Manning Park, Blackwall Peak, N of ranger station on Hope-Princeton highway, 11639 (DAO). NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Fort Smith, W. J. Cody & C. C. Loan 4209 (RM-256327). U.S.A. COLORADO: Gunnison Co.: Rock Creek, S of Schofield Pass, R. J. Bayer et al. CO-431 (RM), 1 mi S of Gothic, CO-421 (RM). Grand Co.: Arapaho Natl. Forest, Sawmill Gulch, R. J. Bayer et al. CO-474 (RM). Eagle Co.: Red Cliff, 26 Jun 1900, G. E. Osterhout s.n. (RM- 170016). Lake Co.: 9 mi NE of Leadville on road to Climax, R. J. Bayer et al. CO-454 (RM). IDAHO: Custer Co.: Lolo Creek campground, 25 mi NW of Stanley, R. J. Bayer & G. L. Stebbins I-304 (RM); Stanley Lake, C. L. Hitchcock & L. Muhlick 9611 (RM- 198147). MONTANA: Granite Co.: Skalkahoe Pass road, at Crystal Creek, R. J. Bayer & G. L. Stebbins M-334 (ALTA), Meadow/Carp creek divide, M-329 (RM), Meadow Creek, M-331 (RM). UTAH: Summit Co.: Dollar Lake, B. Maguire & R. Maguire 14578 (RM- 186592). WASHINGTON: Clellam Co.: Olympic Mts., G. B. Rossbach & R. P. Rossbach 515 (RM- 197200). WYOMING: Yellowstone Natl. Park, B. Maguire & R. Maguire 1240 (RM- 136977). Crook Co.: Black Hills, Missouri Buttes, highest butte, H. Marriott 7829 (RM).