Anthodiscus chocoensis Prance

  • Authority

    Lambrinos, J. G. 2002. The variable invasive success of species in a complex landscape. Ecology. 83: 518-529.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Anthodiscus chocoensis Prance

  • Type

    TYPE: COLOMBIA. CHOCO: 30 km S of Quibdo, road to Lloro, 1-2 km SE of Yuto, flowering and fruiting, 7 Jan 1979, A. Gentry & E. Renteria A. 23801 (HOLOTYPE: COL; ISOTYPES: MO, NY).

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Foliola elliptica, 12-15 cm longa x 6-7 cm lata, apice in acumen 5-15 cm longum contracta. Ab A. klugii foliolis coriaceis, apicibus brevioribus, petiolulis longioribus, petiolis brevioribus, rachibus inflorescentiarum pedicellisque crassioribus differt.

    Species Description - Tree 40 m tall, the young branches glabrous. Leaves trifoliolate, petioles 1.5-2.2 cm long, terete, sparsely puberulous; leaflets petiolulate, the terminal petiolules 1.5-2 cm long, the lateral petiolules shorter than the terminal one, the petiolules sparsely puberulous, canaliculate on upper surface, the laminas elliptic, coriaceous, symmetrical or slightly asymmetrical, acuminate at apex, the acumen 5-15 mm long, cuneate at base, the margins crenate, glabrous on both surfaces except for a few appressed hairs on the lower surface of midrib, the terminal lamina 12-15 cm long, 6-7 cm broad, the lateral laminas smaller than the terminal one, the midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, the primary veins 11-14 pairs, prominulous on both surfaces; stipels absent. Stipules not seen. Peduncles ca 7 cm long (only 2 seen), sparsely puberulous, terete, not conspic- uously lenticellate. Inflorescences elongate racemes, the rachis 5-6 cm long, sparsely puberulous; pedicels 5-6 mm long, sparsely puberulous, ebracteolate. Bracteoles caducous (not seen). Calyx broadly cupuliform, ca 2.5 mm long, 6 cm broad, puberulous on exterior, five-pointed. Corolla yellow, remaining 'attached at apex of lobes to form a calyptra and circumscissile at base (seen on photo). Stamens numerous, ca 150, the filaments free almost to base, 3-5 mm long, the apical portion tuberculate, the anthers small. Ovary globose, glabrous on exterior, 12-locular. Styles ca 32, 1.5 mm long. Fruit a flattened circular drupe, 1.8-2 cm broad, 1 cm long, very lightly ribbed on upper part which is brown in fresh fruit, the lower part smooth and green, the whole markedly divided into two zones in fresh fruit (seen in photo); exocarp smooth, glabrous; pericarp thick, hard.

  • Discussion

    (Fig. 1)

    Anthodiscus chocoensis differs from most species within the genus by the larger acuminate leaves and from A. klugii Standl. ex Prance, which also has acuminate leaves, in the thicker more coriaceous leaves, the shorter leaf apex, the longer petiolules and shorter petioles, the thicker inflorescence and pedicels and in numerous other small characteristics.

    The collectors note that the twigs have a faint 'medicinal' smell.

  • Distribution

    Habitat. Collected in mature rain forest disturbed by selective logging.

    Colombia South America|