Penstemon patricus N.H.Holmgren

  • Authority

    Pavlik, Bruce M. & Barbour, Michael G. 1988. Demographic monitoring of endemic sand dune plants, Eureka Valley, California. Biol. Conserv. 46: 217-242.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Penstemon patricus N.H.Holmgren

  • Type

    TYPE: UNITED STATES. UTAH. Juab Co.: Thoms Creek Canyon, 13 km (8 mi) airline distance WSW of Callao, T1 1S, R18W, S16, 2440 m (8000 ft) elevation, on crumbly granite slopes, 16 Jul 1978, N. Holmgren, P. Holmgren & R. Kern 9018 (HOLOTYPE: NY; ISOTYPES: BRY, UT, UTC, and others to be distributed).

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Corolla saepissime lavandulacea 20-25 mm longa, calyce 3.5-5 mm longo, necnon anther- arum thecis (1.2) 1.4-1.9 mm longis P. platyphyllo Rydb. similis, sed pedicellis glabris (nec granuloso-puberulis), foliisque lanceolatis vel linearibus 1.4-3 (4.5) x 0.2-0.7 (0.9) (nec 3.5-6 X 0.7-1.6 raro 2) cm diversa.

    Species Description - Suffrutescent perennial; stems ascending, often decumbent at the base, (1.2) 1.7-2.5 dm long, usually several from a relatively much-branched, woody caudex, puberulent; leaves entire, all cauline, 1.5-3 (4.5) cm long, 2-7 (9) mm broad, the lower oblanceolate, rounded to obtuse, the upper (ob)lanceolate to linear, acute, cuneate at the base, glabrous; inflorescence racemose, of 2-4 (6) verticil- lasters, with the cymes reduced to 1 flower, the pedicels 2-3-bracteolate, glabrous; calyx 3.5-5 mm long, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, acuminate or caudate-tipped, the tip recurved, glabrous, the margins scarious at the base and slightly erose; corolla 20-25 mm long, ampliate, the throat 6-8 (10) mm broad (in pressed specimens), the tube 6-8 mm long, the upper lip projecting, the lower lip reflexed, the limb violet with a tinge of blue to lavender, glabrous throughout; staminode included, slightly dilated apically, white, glabrous; fertile stamens reaching the orifice or the anterior (upper) pair often exserted, the anther-sacs (1.2) 1.4-1.9 mm long, re- maining horseshoe-shaped and dehiscing across the confluent apices for less than '/2 the length of the sacs, the apex retuse to rounded, the sutures papillate-toothed, the inner margins finely papillate-puberulent; capsule ca 7-8 mm long; seeds ca 2 mm long, angular, light brown, finely reticulate.

  • Discussion

    Cracks and crevices of granite outcrops and rocky slopes, in pinyon-juniper, mountain mahogany and spruce associations, (2000) 2300-3200 m (6500-10,500 ft) elevation. Endemic to the Deep Creek Range of western Juab and Tooele cos., Utah, and adjacent White Pine Co., Nevada (Fig. 12). July.

    In height and leaf size P. patricus resembles P. leonardii, in calyx, corolla and anther-sac size it resembles P. platyphyllus and in glabrous inflorescence it re- sembles P. sepalulus.

    Keck included all Deep Creek Range collections in P. platyphyllus except Jones s.n. (11 Oct 1901, POM) which he designated as an apparent hybrid between P. platyphyllus and P. sepalulus. In all characteristics studied the Jones collection conforms with other specimens from the Deep Creek Range.

    It was my early impressions of the fascination that the Intermountain flora held for my father, Arthur H. Holmgren, that first attracted me to plant taxonomy. Because I now share that fascination, it gives me particular pleasure to honor him in naming this Penstemon, first collected in good condition by him and Bassett Maguire in July of 1943. Arthur Holmgren was appointed curator of the Intermountain Herbarium in 1942 and he continues to administer the collections to the present time, a year following his formal retirement. His knowledge of the flora from his 40 years of exploration is unexcelled. His carefully composed and enthusiastically delivered lectures and his youthful rapport with students have left a legacy of botanical appreciation and respect for the environment and have gained him many friends.