Penstemon janishiae N.H.Holmgren

  • Authority

    Pavlik, Bruce M. & Barbour, Michael G. 1988. Demographic monitoring of endemic sand dune plants, Eureka Valley, California. Biol. Conserv. 46: 217-242.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Penstemon janishiae N.H.Holmgren

  • Type

    TYPE: UNITED STATES. NEVADA. Eureka Co.: Antelope Valley, U.S. Highway 50, 41.5 km (25.8 mi) W of Eureka, T19N, R50E, S18, 1875 m (6150 ft) elev., 17 Jun 1978, barren clay hills in sagebrush country, N. & P. Holmgren 8966 (HOLOTYPE: NY; ISOTYPES: BRY, RENO, UTC, and others to be distributed).

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Foliis puberulis, staminodio exserto, corolla glanduloso-puberula, corollae faucibus ventre rotundatis, antherisque explanatis P. miserum A. Gray simulans, sed floribus plerumque majori- bus 18-28 (nec 14-22) mm longis, corollae faucibus magis inflatis 7-12 (nec 3-7) mm diam, labio superiori (6.5) 8-13 (nec 4.5-7) mm longo, staminodioque magis exserto annulatim recurvo diversa.

    Species Description - Perennial herb with well developed basal leaves (mostly from short, sterile stems); flowering stems erect or ascending, 0.8-2 (2.5) dm tall, few to several clustered on a frequently branched, woody caudex, surmounting a taproot; herbage retrorsely puberulent; leaves entire to toothed, 2-5 (6) cm long, 5-10 (16) mm broad, the basal and lower cauline leaves oblanceolate, petiolate, the upper cauline leaves lanceolate, sessile; thyrse not secund, of 2-5 verticillasters, leafy, the cymes 2-3 (4)-flowered, the axis, peduncles and pedicels glandular-pubescent; sepals 6-10 mm long at anthesis, sometimes to 13 mm in fruit, lanceolate, acute, glandular-pubescent, the margins scarious proximally; corolla 18-28 mm long, more or less abruptly and broadly ventricose-ampliate, the throat 7-12 mm broad (in pressed specimens), rounded ventrally, the tube (6) 8-12 mm long, strongly bilabiate, the clefts separating the lips cutting deeply into the rounded throat, the upper lip projecting-arched, (6.5) 8-13 mm long, the lobes of the lower lip re- flexed or spreading, dull purple, violet or pink with dark purple or red-violet guide- lines in the throat and lower lip, the lobes sometimes with a bluish tinge, glandular- pubescent externally, the palate flat, white to pale-yellow bearded; staminode conspicuously exserted, coiled apically, densely orange-yellow bearded with hairs 1.0-1.2 mm long; fertile stamens reaching the orifice, the anther-sacs 0.8-1.2 mm long (after dehiscence), dehiscing the full length and becoming explanate, cream to blue, essentially glabrous; capsule 7-11 mm long, broadly ovoid, acuminate; seeds ca 1.6-2.0 mm long.

  • Discussion

    (Fig. 3)

    Clay soils derived from volcanic rock in sagebrush, juniper and pinyon-juniper communities, 1300-2250 m (4400-7400 ft) elevation. Bicentric distribution, the western populations ranging from Lassen and Modoc cos., California through northern Washoe Co., Nevada to southern Harney Co., Oregon, and the eastern popula- tions ranging in Nevada from northwestern Nye Co. through southern Lander, southern Eureka and northwestern White Pine cos. to central Elko Co. and Owy- hee Co., Idaho (Fig. 4). Late May-June.

    The distribution map (Fig. 4) shows P. janishiae occupying two disjunct regions. The closest known populations are separated by more than 200 kilometers (130 miles). No apparent morphological differences accompany the geographically un- joined populations. It may be significant that the interval is occupied by the La- hontan Basin, consisting of extensive lowland deserts extending below 1500 meters (5000 feet) elevation and receiving an annual precipitation of about 15 centimeters (six inches) or less, whereas the regions inhabited by P. janishiae are higher and receive more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) precipitation. In the interior of the Great Basin the populations remain above 1800 meters (5800 feet) elevation. Climatic fluctuations of the recent past are very likely responsible for this present distributional discontinuity. The Owyhee County, Idaho location is an anomaly and no speculations are made here.

    It is a pleasure to name this attractive species in honor of Jeanne Russell Janish, accomplished botanical artist. Munz was correct when he wrote in the acknowl- edgments to his Flora of Southern California (1974) that Jeanne Janish "has illustrated western plant species more widely than any other artist." She provided the majority of the illustrations for volumes two, three and four of Abrams' Illus- trated Flora of the Pacific States, all of the illustrations for parts one through four of the Hitchcock, Cronquist, Ownbey & Thompson, Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest, and the majority for volumes one and six of Intermountain Flora. The illustrations in the forthcoming volumes two, three and four of Intermountain Flora will include many of hers. Her work also appears in numerous local floras and technical articles. The wild flower enthusiast is familiar with her work in the series Flowers of the Southwest, which includes the deserts (Dodge & Janish, 1965), the mountains (Arnberger & Janish, 1968) and mesas (Patraw & Janish, 1970), and the book Death Valley Wildflowers (Ferris & Janish, 1962). Her knowledge of botany, her ability to correctly aesthetically appealing, lifelike drawings from dried pressed herbarium specimens has made her an asset to botanists. She is the foremost botanical illustrator in western United States floristics.