Couepia spicata Ducke
Prance, Ghillean T. 1972. Chrysobalanaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9: 1-410. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Type. Ducke RB 25002, Brazil, Amazonas, fl (holotype, RB; isotypes, IAN, K, NY, P, U).
Description - Medium-sized tree. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 4.6-9.0 cm long, 1.4-2.8 cm broad, cuneate at base, acuminate at apex, with acumen 6.0-11.0 mm long, glabrous above, densely reddish-brown-arachnoid beneath; midrib prominent above, lower portion pubescent; primary veins 9-12 pairs, prominent on lower surface; petioles 3.0-6.0 mm long, pubescent, shallowly canaliculate. Stipules to 4.0 mm long, lanceolate, caducous. Inflorescences dense-flowered terminal and axillary spikes, the rachis with ferrugineous-brown sericeous pubescence. Bracts and bracteoles ovate, 3.0-4.0 mm long, equalling the flowers, persistent. Receptacle sessile, turbinate, 3.0-4.0 mm long, ferrugineous-brown-pubescent on exterior, glabrous within except for deflexed hairs at throat. Calyx lobes rounded. Petals 5, white, ciliate on margins. Stamens 14-18, inserted in a semicircle, with a sterile portion opposite them. Ovary pilose. Style glabrous except at base. Fruit unknown.
This species is distinct from others of this group by its much smaller flowers (less than 4.0 mm long). It is close to and has been confused with C. habrantha, from which it also difters in the glabrous style.
Known only from the type gathering collected in non-flooded forest near Manaus, Brazil.
Brazil South America|