Iryanthera Warb.
Smith, Albert C. & Wodehouse, R. P. 1938. The American species of Myristicaceae. Brittonia. 2: 393-527. f. 1-9.
Scientific Name
Genus Description - Monoecious (or perhaps sometimes dioecious) shrubs or trees, the inner bark frequently exuding a reddish liquid, the branchlets subterete, when young ferruginous-strigose (hairs usually attached by the middle, i.e., 2-branched, about 0.2-0.3 mm in. in total length), soon glabrous; leaves alternate, petiolate, the blades chartaceous to coriaceous in texture, often fragile when dry, often finely rugose or muinutely papillose on both surfaces, glabrous, entire and usually slightly recurved at margins, the costa prominent beneath, the secondary nerves several to many, anastomosing toward margins; inflorescences 1-3 in leaf axils or on defoliated branchlets (pistillate often on old bark of trunk or branches), fascieulate-racemose or narrowly paniculate, short pedunculate, minutely strigose with hairs like those of branchlets or glabrescent, the pistillate often few-branched from near base; fascicles often sessile on the rachis, subtended by minute inconspicuous ovate deciduous bracts; pedicels bracteolate at summit, the bracteole cupuliform or one-sided; staminate perianth small, usually thin carnose and pubeseent without, glabrous within, 3 (rarely 4) -lobed; filaments connate in a column, the anthers 3 (rarely 4), connate to apex or distally divergent or free to base, obtuse, 2-celled, opening by extrorse clefts, the connectives inconspicuous or carnose, sometimes glandular; pistillate perianth usually slightly larger similar to those of the leaves, 6-9 cm. long at anthesis, the peduncle up ot 5 cm. long; fascicles alternate, about 3 per inflorescence, the bracts inconspicuous or none; the flowers 10-20 per fascicle , the pedicles slender, up to 7mm. long; perianth carnose, about 5mm. long, 3 - lobed nearly to base, the lobes oblong, obtuse; androecium about 3.5 mm long, the filament column conspicuously swollen near base, the filaments completly connate, the anthers 3, about 0.8 mm. long, dorsally connate nearly to apex; pistillate and fruiting infloresences not known.
Myristica Sect. Iryanthera A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 14: 201. 1856.
Type, F. C. Lehmann k. 413, collected in dense forest as Coteje, Rio Timbiqui, El Cauca, Colombia, and deposited in the herbarium of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
This is the only species of the family this far known from that interesting and little - collected strip of forest on the Pacific slope of Colombia
Pacific coast if Colombia; Colombia" El Valle : Rio Dagua, Lehmann B.T> 1113 (K, Ny). El Cauca: RIo Timbiqui, Lehmann K. 413 (F.K. Type)
Colombia South America|