Mesosetum altum Swallen

  • Authority

    Swallen, Jason R. 1937. The Grass Genus Mesosetum. Brittonia. 4: 363-392.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Mesosetum altum Swallen

  • Description

    Latin Diagnosis - Perenne, stoloniferum; culmi erecti, 45-100 cm. alti, glabri, nodis inferioribus pubeseentibus; vaginae glabrae vel sparse hispidae, marginibus ciliatis; ligula ciliata 0.2 mm. longa; laminae planae, firmae, erectae vel adscendentes, 6-20 cm. longae, 4-7 mm. latae, acuminatae, utrinque pilosae vel hispidae, marginibus scabris, sparse hispidociliatis; racemus 10-18 cm. longus, pendulus; spiculae 4.5 mm. longae; gluma prima 3.5-4 mm. longa, truneata, 3-nervia, carina in parte inferiore ciliata; gluma secunda 2.5-3 mm. longa, 3-nervia, marginibus ciliatis; lemma sterile 4-4.5 mm. longum, 5-nervium, marginibus ciliatis; lemma fertile 3.5-4 mm. longum, acutum, minute striatum.

    Species Description - Perennial, stoloniferous; culms erect in small tufts, 45-100 cm. tall. glabrous, the lower nodes more or less appressed-pubescent; sheaths glabrous or sparsely hispid, the margins shortly ciliate, the lower ones short, crowded, the upper ones elongate, shorter than the internodes; ligule ciliate, 0.2 mm. long; blades flat, firm, erect or ascending, 6-20 cm. long, 4-7 mm. wide, acuminate, pilose or hispid on both surfaces, the thick white margins scabrous, sparsely tuberculate-hispid ciliate; stolons stout, the internodes appressed-pilose or hispid, the nodes bearded, the blades similar to those on the culm or sometimes more or less reduced; raceme 10-18 cm. long, drooping; spikelets 4.5 mm. long; first glume 3.5 mm. long (rarely 4 mm.), truncate, 3-nerved, the lateral

  • Discussion

    Type, Swallen 3644 (U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1613938), collected in open chapada, Barra do Corda to Grajahiu, Maranhao, Brazil, March 1-5, 1934.

  • Distribution

    Chapadas and open grassland, Maranhao, Brazil.

    Brazil South America|