Licania minuscula Cuatrec.
Prance, Ghillean T. 1972. Chrysobalanaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9: 1-410. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Types. Cuatrecasas 21546, Colombia, Choco, fl (holotype, F; iso type, COL); 21234, Colombia, Valle, fl (paratypes, COL, F).
Licania minutiflora (Sagot) Fritsch
Description - Large tree, the young branches puberulous, becoming glabrous but not lenticellate. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, chartaceous, 11.0-22.0 cm long, 4.2-8.5 cm broad, cuspidate at apex, with finely pointed acumen 14.0-30.0 mm long, cuneate at base, glabrous above, glabrous or with very few short appressed hairs beneath; palisade glands frequent; midrib prominulous above, glabrous; primary veins 7-9 pairs, slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, arcuate and anastomosing near lamina margin; petioles 4.0-5.0 mm long, terete, glabrous, eglandular. Stipules lanceolate, to 5.0 mm long, hirsutulous, caducous. Inflorescences terminal and axillary panicles, the rachis and branches sparsely puberulous. Flowers ca 1.0 mm long, in small groups on short secondary branches of inflorescence. Bracts and bracteoles minute, ovate, persistent, sparsely puberulous on exterior, entire. Receptacle turbinate, tomentose within; pedicels ca 0.5 mm long. Calyx lobes acute, sparsely pilose on exterior, glabrous within. Petals 5, pubescent, not clawed. Stamens 3, unilateral; filaments very short, glabrous, free to base. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, pilose. Style pilose throughout, shorter than filaments. Fruit unknown.
Known only from the type gatherings collected in the Pacific coastal region of Colombia.
Colombia South America|