Licania salicifolia Cuatrec.

  • Authority

    Prance, Ghillean T. 1972. Chrysobalanaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 9: 1-410. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Licania salicifolia Cuatrec.

  • Type

    Type. Daniel 477, Colombia, Antioquia, fl (holotype, US; isotypes, COL, F, GH, NY).

  • Description

    Description - Small tree, the young branches puberulous, soon becoming glabrous, conspicuously lenticellate. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, coriaceous, 4.5-9.5 cm broad, acuminate at apex, with acumen 3.0-6.0 mm long, cuneate at base, glabrous above, densely gray-lanate-arachnoid beneath; midrib glabrous and prominulous above; primary veins 10-14 pairs, prominent beneath, slightly impressed above; petioles 4.0-5.o mm long, lanate, becoming puberulous, terete, eglandular, transversely rugose. Stipules linear, membraneous, pubescent, 4.0-8.0 mm long, caducous. Inflorescences racemose panicles, gray-tomentose. Flowers 1.5-2.0 mm long, sessile on primary branches of inflorescence. Bracts and bracteoles ovate to linear, to 2.5 mm long, persistent, tomentose on exterior, glabrous within, entire, eglandular. Receptacle cupuliform-globose, sessile, densely ferrugineous-tomentose on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes acute, tomentose on both surfaces. Petals 1.5 mm long, ovate, ciliate. Stamens ca 25, inserted in a complete circle; filaments apparently shorter than calyx lobes (seen only in unopened buds). Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, villous-tomentose. Style lanate throughout. Fruit unknown.

  • Distribution

    Known only from the type, collected beside the Rio Negro of Colombia.

    Colombia South America|