Stegolepis jauaensis Maguire
Steyermark, Julian A. & Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The flora of the Meseta del Cerro Jáua. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 833-892.
Scientific Name
Type. In dense tufts 1-1.5 m tall, the leaves erect and arising several centimeters to 15 cm in depth below the ground surface from a cavernous-like depression surrounding them, with slimy dark brown sheaths closely imbricated below; leaves stiff-coriaceous, dull dark green on one side, paler green on the other side, sedge-like or grass-like in aspect; bracts of involucre dull brown; petals rich yellow; Cerro Jaua, cumbre de la portión Central-Occidental de la Meseta de Jáua, 4° 45' N-64° 26' Oeste, 60 km noroeste de la Mision de Campamento Sanidad del Río Canaracuni, alt 1900-2100 m, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela, 22-27 Mar 1967, Julian A. Steyermark 97883 (holotype NY, isotype VEN).
Latin Diagnosis - Herbae perennes ad 1.5 m altae; caudicibus crassis brevibus, ad 5 cm altis; vaginis marcescentibus numerosis; foliis numerosis, vulgo 10-14 dm longis; vaginis lanceolatis, 10-12 cm longis, subinduratis, scario-marginibus, ad summum scarioauriculatis; laminis linearibus coriaceis, 3-5 mm latis, vulgo 8-12 dm longis, obtusiusculis, 3-nervatis, marginibus crassi-involutis; pedunculis pluribus, ad 12 dm longis, costatis; capitulis compressis, 3-10-floribus, spiculis, 2-serialibus, ca 15 mm longis; bracteolis numerosis, gradatis, imbricatis, ad 12 mm longis, subinduratis, enervatis; sepalis 3; petalis 3, laminis flabellatis; antheris lanceolatis, corrugatis; stylis subulatis, stigma terminale, punctiforme; nec capsulis nec seminibus mihi visis.
Stegolepis jauaensis Maguire is assigned to the sect Pungens and would stand between S. squarrosa and S. celiae, but is distinguished from both by its unique habit, narrow leaf blades, and fewer spikelets. The leaves of S. jauaensis are superficially similar to those of S. ligulata but lack the prominent ligule of the latter, and to those of S. linearis which are 6-8 mm broad and 9-ribbed.