Syagrus sancona (Kunth) H.Karst.
Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.
Scientific Name
Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Mainly known from the foothills and the lower slopes of the Andes of Colombia and Venezuela in rather wet forests up to about 1000 m elevation. VENEZUELA. Edo Bolivar: Altiplanicie de Nuria, 45 km N of Tumeremo, alt 100-300 m, Steyermark 88913 (NY, VEN).
Type. Karsten sn, Colombia, Flussthale des Magdalena bis zu der Höhe von 1500 m (nv).
The occurrence of Syagrus sancona in Edo Bolivar was not reported previously. The specimen collected by Steyermark (88913) is almost identical with the Andean collections and must be considered to represent the same species. The cited collection means a considerable extension of the area of the species. Since S. sancona is often observed to reach altitudes of 1000 m and more in the Andes it probably does so in the Guayana Highland, too. It is generally accepted that Oreodoxa sancona H.B.K. and Syagrus sancona Karsten represent the same species but the names are heterotypic. Consequently H.B.K.’s epithet cannot be transferred to Syagrus and Karsten is the only author of Syagrus sancona.
Distribution. Mainly known from the foothills and the lower slopes of the Andes of Colombia and Venezuela in rather wet forests up to about 1000 m elevation.
Colombia South America| Venezuela South America|