Geonoma maxima (Poit.) Kunth

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Geonoma maxima (Poit.) Kunth

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Rather widespread in northern South America; common in usually well-drained places in the understory of dense forests, often on hill and mountain-slopes to about 650 m elevation. GUYANA. Upper Mazaruni River Basin, Ayanganna Plateau, alt 686 m, Tillett, Tillett & Boyan 44921 (NY); Upper Mazaruni River Basin, Kako R., Tillett & Tillett 45509 (NY). VENEZUELA. Edo Bolivar: Altiplanicie de Nuria, alt 600-650 m, Steyermark 89119 (BH, NY, VEN).

  • Discussion

    Gynestum maximum Poiteau, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 9: 388,1 1. 1822.

    Type. Poiteau sn, French Guiana (P).

    Geonoma maxima is common in northern South America at low elevations but it is only rarely collected above 550 m altitude.

  • Distribution

    Distribution. Rather widespread in northern South America; common in usually well-drained places in the understory of dense forests, often on hill and mountain-slopes to about 650 m elevation.

    South America| Guyana South America| Venezuela South America|