Rhynchospora caracasana (Kunth) Boeckeler

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Rhynchospora caracasana (Kunth) Boeckeler

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Distribution. Montane regions of tropical South America: the Guayana Highland, lower part of the Andes Range and the Brazilian Highland. Savanna grasslands, locally abundant.

  • Discussion

    Dichromena caracasana Kunth, Enum. PI. 2: 281. 1837. Type. Venezuela, Caracas, Bonpland 538 in herb. Willdenow n. 1134, fol. 1 (B !).

    Haloschoenus caracasanus (Kunth) Nees, FI. Brasil. 2(1): 122. 1842. Based on Dichromena caracasana Kunth.

    Rhynchospora andina Kükenthal in Fedde, Repert. Sp. Nov. 53: 73. 1944. Type. Bolivia near Tipuani, Buchtien 7159! (B, NY). Syn. nov.

    The collections cited above mark a considerable range extension of this species, which is now recorded as a new addition to the flora of the Guayana Highland. Rhynchospora caracasana is well characterized by the ovate-orbicular, shiny gray achene, the depressed style-base with straightly truncate base, and by the membranous lightly brown glumes having broadly white margins. Rhynchospora andina Kükenthal represents a well-grown form with slightly broad flattish leaf-blades and inflorescences with numerous spikes, many of which form dense fastigiate clusters, while R. caracasana of Kükenthal’s definition is merely a starved form with capillary leaves and relatively few spikelets which are not densely clustered, a state caused by the rather dry sandy habitat condition. These two forms are connected by the intermediate types of varying degrees and are certainly not the separate taxa.

  • Distribution

    Distribution. Montane regions of tropical South America: the Guayana Highland, lower part of the Andes Range and the Brazilian Highland. Savanna grasslands, locally abundant.

    South America| Guyana South America| Brazil South America| Venezuela South America| Colombia South America| Bolivia South America|