Adiantum tomentosum Klotzsch
Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.
Scientific Name
Distribution and Ecology - General distribution. Colombia to Peru, Brazil, and the Guayanas. Terrestrial, often along streams.Guayana Highland distribution. COLOMBIA. Amazonas: Caño Peritomé, tributary below Raudal Yayacopi, Río Apaporís, alt ca 225 m, Schultes & Cabrera 15521 (US); Caño Guacayá, Río Miritiparaná, alt ca 210 m, Schultes & Cabrera 15722 (US). Amazonas-Vaupés: Soratama, between the Río Pacoa and the Río Kananarí, Río Apaporís, alt ca 250 m, Schultes & Cabrera 12706, 16136, 16164 (all US), Jinogoje and vicinity (at mouth of Rio Piraparaná), Río Apaporís, alt ca 210 m, Schultes & Cabrera 16649 (US); Lagunas del Churuco, Río Apaporís, alt 280 m, Garcia-Barriga 13642 (US).
Adiantum klotzschianum Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 21, t. 82C. 1851, non Presl. 1836, nom. superfl.
Type. British Guiana, Kanuku Mountains, Rich. Schomburgk 1202 (K not seen).
General distribution. Colombia to Peru, Brazil, and the Guayanas. Terrestrial, often along streams.Guayana Highland distribution.
Colombia South America| Peru South America| Brazil South America| Guyana South America|