Adiantum tomentosum Klotzsch

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1972. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part IX. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 1-832.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Adiantum tomentosum Klotzsch

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - General distribution. Colombia to Peru, Brazil, and the Guayanas. Terrestrial, often along streams.Guayana Highland distribution. COLOMBIA. Amazonas: Caño Peritomé, tributary below Raudal Yayacopi, Río Apaporís, alt ca 225 m, Schultes & Cabrera 15521 (US); Caño Guacayá, Río Miritiparaná, alt ca 210 m, Schultes & Cabrera 15722 (US). Amazonas-Vaupés: Soratama, between the Río Pacoa and the Río Kananarí, Río Apaporís, alt ca 250 m, Schultes & Cabrera 12706, 16136, 16164 (all US), Jinogoje and vicinity (at mouth of Rio Piraparaná), Río Apaporís, alt ca 210 m, Schultes & Cabrera 16649 (US); Lagunas del Churuco, Río Apaporís, alt 280 m, Garcia-Barriga 13642 (US).

  • Discussion

    Adiantum klotzschianum Hook., Sp. Fil. 2: 21, t. 82C. 1851, non Presl. 1836, nom. superfl.

    Type. British Guiana, Kanuku Mountains, Rich. Schomburgk 1202 (K not seen).

  • Distribution

    General distribution. Colombia to Peru, Brazil, and the Guayanas. Terrestrial, often along streams.Guayana Highland distribution.

    Colombia South America| Peru South America| Brazil South America| Guyana South America|