Inga nobilis Willd.

  • Authority

    Irwin, Howard S. 1966. Contributions to the botany of Guiana. III. Leguminosae Mimosoideae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 96-111.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Inga nobilis Willd.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Oiapoque, Egler 47654; Irwin, Pires & Westra 48425; Rio Araguari, Pires, Rodrigues, & Irvine 15086 and 51581. SURINAME. Lucie Rivier, Maguire, Schulz, Soderstrom & Holmgren 53913 and 53927; Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 55494 and 55537; Zuid Rivier, Maguire, Schulz, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 54029; Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 55996 and 55702. VENEZUELA. Delta Amacuro: Rio Amacuro, Steyermark 87240, 87241, & 87276.A common and variable species, previously known in Amapa only from Serra do Navio (Cowan 38326, 38300, and 38371), in the southern portion, in Suriname from near-interior stations on the Saramacca River (Maguire 24043) and Tapanahonie Rivier (Rombouts 602), and as far west as the Pomeroon River (Forest Dept. of British Guiana 6403) and the Barima River (Cowan 39396) in British Guiana’s Northwest District.

  • Distribution

    BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Oiapoque, Egler 47654; Irwin, Pires & Westra 48425; Rio Araguari, Pires, Rodrigues, & Irvine 15086 and 51581. SURINAME. Lucie Rivier, Maguire, Schulz, Soderstrom & Holmgren 53913 and 53927; Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 55494 and 55537; Zuid Rivier, Maguire, Schulz, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 54029; Irwin, Prance, Soderstrom, & Holmgren 55996 and 55702. VENEZUELA. Delta Amacuro: Rio Amacuro, Steyermark 87240, 87241, & 87276.A common and variable species, previously known i

    Brazil South America| Suriname South America| Venezuela South America| Brazil South America|