[irn: 38497]

  • Authority

    Allen, Caroline K. 1966. Contributions to the botany of Guiana. II. Lauraceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 53-95.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Mezilaurus itauba (Meisn.) Taub. ex Mez

  • Discussion

    Acrodiclidium itauba Meissner in DC. Prodr. 15(1) : 86. 1864.

    Type. “Acrodiclidium (1) In vicinibus Santarem, Prov. Para, Apr. 1850, R. Spruce 643" (holotype, fl. K; isotype, NY).

    Vernacular names. Numerous vernacular names are cited by Kostermans from the collections made in various localities.

    This specimen matches very well the fruiting collection of Spruce 646, which is the type of Acrodiclidium itauba ß amarella Meissner, and which was included in the species proper by Mez and by Kostermans. The type of the species proper cited above (Spruce 643) differs from the variety (Spruce 646) in having smaller, more broadly elliptic leaves.

  • Distribution

    Large tree with axillary, subumbellate inflorescences, growing in regions from the Guianas to the central Amazon Basin.

    Guyana South America| French Guiana South America| Brazil South America|