Aniba muca (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
Allen, Caroline K. 1966. Contributions to the botany of Guiana. II. Lauraceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 53-95.
Scientific Name
Distribution and Ecology - A small tree described from Peru, reported from eastern mountain slopes of Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, and currently from the Amapa region of Brazil.BRAZIL. Amapa: Rio Araguari, an upland plant 40 minutes up Falcina River from Camp 8, J. M. Pires, Wm. Rodrigues & G. C. Irvine 50933 (fl., fr. NY).
Laurus muca Ruiz & Pavon, FI. Peruv. 4: t. 360; Laurographia 1: t. 18. 1802.
Type. Peru, “in Andium nemoribus, ad Pozuzo, Cuchero,” Ruiz s.n. (isotype, fragm. fr. & If. & photo. F).
An unusual distribution is noted here. However, the short inflorescences with few flowers, the verrucose cupules, the leaves, grayed green on the upper surface, the lower paler and minutely papillose, place this collection in the species A. muca, a member of subg. Euaniba, sect. Macroporanthera.
A small tree described from Peru, reported from eastern mountain slopes of Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, and currently from the Amapa region of Brazil.
Peru South America| Colombia South America| Bolivia South America| Brazil South America|