Asplenium cuspidatum var. abrotanoides (C.Presl) C.V.Morton & Lellinger

  • Authority

    Morton, Conrad V. & Lellinger, David B. 1966. The Polypodiaceae subfamily Asplenioideae in Venezuela. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 1-49.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Asplenium cuspidatum var. abrotanoides (C.Presl) C.V.Morton & Lellinger

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Venezula to Bolivia.

  • Discussion

    Asplenium abrotanoides Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 47, t. 8, f. 2. 1825. Type: Huanuco, Peru, Haenke (holotype fragment NY).

    ?Asplenium tenellum Fee, Gen. Fil. 198. 1852. Type: Quito, Ecuador, Jameson in 1848; hon A. tenellum Roxb., 1816.

    ?Asplenium tenuilobum Moore, Ind. Fil. 172. 1860. Based on A. tenellum Fee, non Roxb.

  • Distribution

    Venezula to Bolivia.

    Venezuela South America| Bolivia South America|