Asplenium oligophyllum Kaulf.

  • Authority

    Morton, Conrad V. & Lellinger, David B. 1966. The Polypodiaceae subfamily Asplenioideae in Venezuela. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 15: 1-49.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Asplenium oligophyllum Kaulf.

  • Description

    Species Description - Rhizomes epiphytic, thick, mostly 1 cm in diameter or more; fronds few, not proliferous, the stipes 15-25 cm long, green, dull, thick, 2-4 mm in diameter; blades imparipinnate, large. 30-50 cm long, the rhachis green, ridged but hardly winged, the terminal pinna conform, long-acuminate; pinnae lanceolate, few, usually 3-5 pairs, petiolulate, long-acuminate, cuneate and equal at base, rather fleshy in texture, lightly crenulate, not auriculate; sori elongate, reaching nearly from costa to margin; indusia whitish.

  • Discussion

    Type. Brazil, Ghamisso (fragment NY).

    Distribution and ecology - Venezuela and Brazil. Domin records it also from Panama and Colombia, without citing any specimens. In the Index Filicum it is reported from Madagascar also, but this must have been an error, for neither Christensen nor Tardieu-Blot mentions the species in their treatments of the ferns of Madagascar. In Venezuela it has been found in the states of Distrito Federal, Aragua, and Merida. Caracas, Bredemeyer ex Herb. Jacquin (W), is indicated as the original specimen used lor Ettingshausen, Farnkr. t. 91

  • Distribution

    Brazil South America| Canal Zone Panamá Central America| Venezuela South America|