Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Scientific Name
Family Description - Fls perfect or often unisexual, spirally or less often distichously arranged on the axis of a spike or spikelet, axillary (or at least seemingly so) to small bracts called scales, usually without an evident bract between the fl and the axis; perianth of 1–many (often 6) short to much elongate bristles, or often wanting; stamens (1–)3, exserted at anthesis, the plants wind-pollinated; ovary superior, tricarpellate or less often bicarpellate, with an accordingly trifid or bifid style, unilocular, with a single basal anatropous ovule, ripening into an achene; embryo monocotyledonous, embedded in the well developed endosperm; herbs, often grass-like in aspect, with solid or seldom hollow, triangular to less often terete stems; lvs mostly 3-ranked, with closed (rarely open) sheath and parallel-veined, typically elongate and grass-like blade, or some or all the lvs with reduced or no blade. 100/4500.
Common Names
The sedge family