Xylaria arbuscula Sacc.

  • Authority

    Rogerson, Clark T., et al. 1990. Fungi collected by Bassett Maguire and collabora tors in the Guayana Highland, 1944-1983. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 64: 130-164.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Xylaria arbuscula Sacc.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - VENEZUELA. Locality unknown, savanna campforests, elev. 1500 m, on fallen log, dense woodland,21 Dec 1948, B M , LP & B. Maguire Jr. 27848 [JHM].Bolivar: Chimanta Massif, Abacapa-tepui, N W part,wet mossy forest with sandstone boulders betweenCamp 3 and main line of sandstone bluffs, elev. 1210-1600 m, on dead log, 17 Apr 1953, JAS 75065 [GJS]

  • Discussion

    The peeling outer layer of JAS 75065 is brown, not white. The specimen matches the description given by Gonzalez and Rogers (1989) for Mexico better than that given by Rogers et al. (1988) for Cerro de la Neblina. The germ slit in the collection J A S 75065 is somewhat less than fuU length. Dennis (1956: fig. 23). Rogers et al. (1988: fig. 67). Gonzalez and Rogers (1989: figs. 10-12). Dennis +, as X mellisii.

  • Distribution

    VENEZUELA. Locality unknown, savanna campforests, elev. 1500 m, on fallen log, dense woodland,21 Dec 1948, B M , LP & B. Maguire Jr. 27848 [JHM].Bolivar: Chimanta Massif, Abacapa-tepui, N W part,wet mossy forest with sandstone boulders betweenCamp 3 and main line of sandstone bluffs, elev. 1210-1600 m, on dead log, 17 Apr 1953, JAS 75065 [GJS]

    Venezuela South America|