Masdevallia wendlandiana Rchb.f.

  • Authority

    Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Masdevallia wendlandiana Rchb.f.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Rio Orinoco, between Puerto Narino and San Fernando de Atabapo, about 120 m alt., on trunk of fairly large tree on river's edge, G. C. A. Dunsterville 692. The type was from COLOMBIA.

  • Distribution

    VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Rio Orinoco, between Puerto Narino and San Fernando de Atabapo, about 120 m alt., on trunk of fairly large tree on river's edge, G. C. A. Dunsterville 692. The type was from COLOMBIA.

    Venezuela South America| Colombia South America|