Masdevallia picturata Rchb.f.

  • Authority

    Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Masdevallia picturata Rchb.f.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Mt. Roraima, upper slopes, McConnell & Quelch 704, Im Thurn 279; Auydn-tepui, cumbre de la parte norte de la seccion sur (división occidental del cerro): a lo largo del Rio Churún, vecindad del campamento sur, 1690 m alt., in riverine forest, epiphyte on tree trunk, leaves erect, fleshy, pale beneath, flower pale green spotted with purple, appendages pale green. May 2, 1964, J. A. Steyermark 93252; same locality, cumbre de la parte norte de la secci6n sur (division occidental del cerro): a lo largo del Rio Churún al pie de "Second Wall" de arenisca, desde el campamento norte, 5 kms hacia el noreste, 1660 m alt., in moist mossy forest along stream, epiphyte on tree branch, leaves rich green above, 6-7 mm wide, sepals pale green with purple spots. May 12, 1964, J. A. Steyermark 93774; Ilu-tepui, Gran Sabana 2550 m alt., infrequent in "moss" woodland on slopes below uppermost west-facing escarpment, epiphyte, flowers yellow spotted with red, cusp [tail] red, March 20, 1952, B. Maguire 33517; between summit of Cerro Venamo and last camp, about 1290 m alt., in dwarf rain forest, on trunk and branches of very small tree on edge of stream (Steyermark 92683) G. C. K. Dunsterville 834; bosque enano a lo largo del afluente Este del Rio Venamo, sobre el hombrillo superior del cerro, 1400 m alt., epiphyte about 2 m up on branch along main stream in quebrada, leaves coriaceous, rich green with sulcate mid-rib above and pale green beneath, 5 mm wide, ovary pale green, undulately ribbed, sepals pale lavender and purple spotted with long pale green filiform tips and orange at base, petals white, lip maroon-pink at base and yellow at apex, January 3, 1964, Steyermark & Dunsterville 92683. COSTA RICA and COLOMBIA. The type ^vas from VENEZUELA.

  • Distribution

    VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Mt. Roraima, upper slopes, McConnell & Quelch 704, Im Thurn 279; Auydn-tepui, cumbre de la parte norte de la seccion sur (división occidental del cerro): a lo largo del Rio Churún, vecindad del campamento sur, 1690 m alt., in riverine forest, epiphyte on tree trunk, leaves erect, fleshy, pale beneath, flower pale green spotted with purple, appendages pale green. May 2, 1964, J. A. Steyermark 93252; same locality, cumbre de la parte norte de la secci6n sur (division occident

    Venezuela South America| Costa Rica South America| Colombia South America|