Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers.

  • Authority

    Rogerson, Clark T., et al. 1990. Fungi collected by Bassett Maguire and collabora tors in the Guayana Highland, 1944-1983. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 64: 130-164.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Chimanta Massif, belowTechine-meru, elev. 395 m, on dead prostrate logs, 18Jan 1955, JAS & JJW 156 [MLF; sporangia in thiscollection have an unusual, blackish-maroon color].

  • Discussion

    Martin and Alexopoulos (1969: Pl. VIII, fig. 80). According to Farr (1976: 71), this cosmopolitan species is one of the most frequently encountered of the myxomycetes.

  • Distribution

    VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Chimanta Massif, belowTechine-meru, elev. 395 m, on dead prostrate logs, 18Jan 1955, JAS & JJW 156 [MLF; sporangia in thiscollection have an unusual, blackish-maroon color].

    Venezuela South America|