Psidium acutangulum DC.
Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.
Scientific Name
Psidium acutangulum ß acidum DC., DC.. Podr. 3:233. 1828
Britoa acida (DC.) Berg, Linnaea 27:436.1856.
For description see Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13(4) [Fl. Peru]: 789, 1958. A widespread species in northern South America, ranging from the Guianas to the upper Orinoco and Amazon lowlands. The type, which I saw at Munich in 1966, was from near Ega on the upper Amazon (cf Field Mus. neg. 19748). The type of Psidium acutangulum ß acidum apparently represents a rather thick-leaved specimen of P. acutangulum. The locality for ß acidum was published as "ad Nogueria prov.Rio Negro", but the specimen with Martius' label "Psidium acidum" has the locality "Ega" and is named by Berg as Britoa acida. It is possible that the labels of two collections were intermixed in the mounting.
The following appear to be atypical of P acutangulum; the branchlets are not strongly angled, but the leaves are abundantly gland-dotted beneath; the leaves are perhaps more broadly ovate than usual: BRITISH GUIANA. Mazaruni River, in myrtle scrub on rocks in falls, 28 Oct 1952 (bud, fl), Forest Dept. 7127, 7129, 7140 (ah M I C H )
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