
  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Genus Description - A small tropical-American genus of about 10 species, reviewed by L. A. M. Rhey (Kew Buh. 1926: 145-154. 1926). The lectotype, as designated by Riley, is Calycolpus goetheanus (DC.) Berg. The genus was originahy distinguished by Berg (cf Linnaea 27: 347-349. 1856) on the basis of the embryo, which is uncinate-curved (as opposed to "spiraliter involutus" in Campomanesia), and the calyx ("Sepala in alabastro jam patentia v. reflexa," as opposed to Myrtus, with "sepala in alabastro globo petalorum incumbentia"). Rhey recognized 12 species. Amshoff (Fl. Suriname 3(2): 153-156. 1951) took a somewhat more inclusive view of species, recognizing but two taxa in the flora of Suriname. All the species (except one newly described below) are disconcertingly similar in most features of the flowers and foliage.