Eugenia L.

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Eugenia L.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - BRITISH G U I A N A . Upper Mazaruni River basin: Kukui River, elev 470 m,12 Sep 1960 (bud, fl), Tillett & Tillett 45391 (NY) ; Sembi Creek, gallery woodland,Pakaraima Mountains, elev 1200 m, 18 Nov 1951 (bud, fl), Maguire & Fanshawe32647 ( M I C H ).

  • Discussion

    specimens with rather thin, ehiptic, blunt or rounded leaves 6-11 cm long, the midvein channeled or biconvex above, the lower surface at least in the young leaf densely covered with fine appressed coppery hairs. The inflorescence is densely pubescent with fine appressed silky reddish hairs; the bracteoles are broad and persistent; buds 3-4 m m long; calyx-lobes broadly rounded, 2.5-3 m m long and wide, thin and reflexed at anthesis and mostly soon deciduous, glabrous within near base, tomentulose in the distal third; disk 2.5-3 m m wide; flowers fasciculate, the pedicels 3-6 m m long; this plant probably belongs to the group that includes Eugenia chrysophyllum and E. tafelbergica.

  • Distribution

    BRITISH G U I A N A . Upper Mazaruni River basin: Kukui River, elev 470 m,12 Sep 1960 (bud, fl), Tillett & Tillett 45391 ( N Y ) ; Sembi Creek, gallery woodland,Pakaraima Mountains, elev 1200 m, 18 Nov 1951 (bud, fl), Maguire & Fanshawe32647 ( M I C H ).

    Guyana South America|