Eugenia patrisii Vahl

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Eugenia patrisii Vahl

  • Discussion

    Eugenia ? parkeriana D C , DC. Prodr. 3: 271, as to lectotype. 1828.

    Eugenia berlynensis Berg, Linnaea 27: 468. 1856.

    Stenocalyx patrisii (Vahl) Berg, Linnaea 29: 247. 1858

    For description see Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13(4) |F1. Peru]: 719, 720, 1958, or Amshoff (Fl. Suriname 3(2): 118. 1951). The original material came presumably from French Guiana; I have seen a photograph (Field Mus. neg. 23014) of a specimen at Copenhagen that is presumably the type. The species ranges from eastern Brazil (Para) to eastern Venezuela, and inland in the Orinoco and Amazon lowlands to eastern Colombia, southwestern Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia. More than one species may be represented in the assemblage of specimens cited below. These have in common the rather thick leaves with few minute translucent dots, the midvein convex or narrowly ridged above in dried leaves, the characteristic venation as described in the Flora of Peru, reddish pubescence of young leaves and branchlets, and longpedicellate pairs of flowers from the axils of imbricated scarious pubescent bracts at the bases of new shoots. The calyx-lobes are often 2-3 m m long, or sometimes shorter as described in the Flora of Peru.

    I have not seen the type of Eugenia berlynensis, but it is apparently in Martius' herbarium at B R , where it was studied by Amshoff (cf Fl. Suriname 3(2): 119. 1951).The original material of Eugenia ? parkeriana, which I examined at G - D C in 1966, is a mixture. The specimen from Trinidad, Sieber 245, is from a flowering plant of E. uniflora L.; one immature but ridged fruit is present, making the identification conclusive. The other specimen, marked "Envoi de Demarari Mr Parker 1824," represents E. patrisii. As de Candolle took the specific epithet from Parker's collection, and as in the protologue he compared the species with E. patrisii, it is best to typify the name E. parkeriana by the Parker specimen.

  • Distribution

    COLOMBIA. Amazonas-Vaupes: Rio Apaporis, Raudal de Jirijirimo, elev ca270 m, 21 Jan 1952 (fl, fr), Schultes & Cabrera 14922A (MICH). VENEZUELA.Amazonas: Puerto Ayacucho, elev 95 m, 25 May 1940 (sterile), Williams 13124 (F);Tamatama, elev 130 m, Williams 15835 (F), 5 Apr 1942 (fr), Williams 15154 (F);Yavita, elev 128 m, 22 Jan 1942 (fl, fr), Williams 13888 (F), 31 Jan 1942 (fr),Williams 14113 (F); Capihuara, Alto Casiquiare, elev 118 m, 6 Mar 1942 (fl), Williams15773 (F); San Carlos, Rio Negro, e

    Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Guyana South America| Brazil South America|