Eugenia patens Poir.

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Eugenia patens Poir.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - COLOMBIA. Putumayo: Umbria, elev 325 m, Oct-Nov 1930 (bud), Klug 1744 (NY). BRAZIL. Amazonas: Basin of Rio Jurua, Krukoff 4803 ( M I C H ) ; basin ofRio Madeira, Krukoff 6021 (MICH); basin of Rio Sohmoes, Krukoff 8342, 8617(both M I C H ) . Para: "ad cataractas fluminis Aripecuru," Spruce 450 ["Eugenia (5)"](MICH, isotype of E. schlechtendaliana; Field Mus. neg. 19998, photo, of type atM ) ; Piranambu, Planalto de Santarem, Oct 1954 (fl), Froes 31108 (MICH).Maranhao: Island of Sao Luiz, estrado do Sacavem, Feb-Mar 1939 (fl), Froes 11565(MICH). F R E N C H GUIANA. Without locahty ["I'ile de Cayenne"], Martin (FI,type; P, isotype), Martin sn (P).

  • Discussion

    Eugenia schlechtendaliana Berg, Mart. ¥\. Bras. 14(1): 321. 1857.

    Eugenia riparia sensu McVaugh, Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13(4) [Fl. Peru]: 729, pro parte. 1958, not of de Candolle.

    For additional synonymy see the Flora of Peru; see also the discussion in the present paper under Eugenia muricata and E. polystachya. As I now understand E. patens, it includes the members of the E. polystachya-complex that have bronzy pubescence, pointed and rather sparingly pubescent but persistent bracteoles 1.5-2.5 m m long, and fruit smooth (as far as known). Most of the specimens I have seen are from the upper Amazon basin; specimens from the lower Amazon are sometimes not easily distinguished from those of E. polystachya, which has grayer pubescence and obtusely rounded, larger and more nearly glabrous bracteoles. The type of E. schlechtendaliana seems to represent E. patens rather than E. polystachya as, although the pubescence is grayer than in most specimens from farther up the Amazon, the bracteoles are pointed even though broad. The immature fruit is smooth, neither ridged nor warty.

    The type of Eugenia patens, which I was permitted to study in Desfontaines' herbarium at FI in 1966, agrees well with most other Amazonian material of what I take to be this species. The specimen is marked "Cayenne Martin." The leaves are sparingly strigose or glabrescent beneath, the bracteoles ovate, pointed, pubescent, scarcely connate but apparently not deciduous, 1.5 m m long or a little more; the calyx-lobes about 3 m m long and 3.5 m m wide; the pubescence in general appressed, tawny. A presumed isotype, at P (from Poiret's herbarium), probably represents the same gathering; according to notes made in 1965, the bracteoles are pointed or obtusish, and the pubescence is reddish. Another specimen at Paris, cohected by Martin and photographed under the name of E. patens (Field Mus. neg. 36995), is probably not part of the type-gathering, as it does not agree in ah details with the specimen in Poiret's herbarium.

  • Distribution

    COLOMBIA. Putumayo: Umbria, elev 325 m, Oct-Nov 1930 (bud), Klug 1744 (NY). BRAZIL. Amazonas: Basin of Rio Jurua, Krukoff 4803 ( M I C H ) ; basin ofRio Madeira, Krukoff 6021 (MICH); basin of Rio Sohmoes, Krukoff 8342, 8617(both M I C H ) . Para: "ad cataractas fluminis Aripecuru," Spruce 450 ["Eugenia (5)"](MICH, isotype of E. schlechtendaliana; Field Mus. neg. 19998, photo, of type atM ) ; Piranambu, Planalto de Santarem, Oct 1954 (fl), Froes 31108 (MICH).Maranhao: Island of Sao Luiz, estrado

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