Eugenia egensis DC.

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Eugenia egensis DC.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - BRITISH GUIANA. Pirara &c, Schomburgk 294'591B (K, lectotype of E.perforata), 294 (P, marked by Amshoff as type-collection of E. perforata); MatopeFalls, Cuyuni River, 4 Jun 1952 (fl), Fanshawe 3379 {Forest Dept. 6943) ( M I C H );Camaria Fahs, Cuyuni River, Forest Dept. 6952 ( M I C H ) ; Puruni River (trib. ofMazaruni), 18 Mar 1953 (bud). Forest Dept. 7725 (MICH). SURINAME. Savannasof the interior, on the Suriname River, Kappler 1920 (U, type of E. tenuiramis).VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Brazo Casiquiare, 1-20 Feb 1931 (fl), Holt &Blake 669 {¥, NY) ; Alto Rio Orinoco, 20 k m above Esmeralda, elev 150 m', 26 Mar 1953 (fl, fr), Maguire & Wurdack 34707 (MICH); Upper Orinoco, Tamatama, elev130 m, 9/5/1942 (imm fr), Williams 15269 {¥). Bolivar: Rio Paragua, betweenLa Paragua and Rio Torono, elev 260-280 m, 8-16 Apr 1943 (ah fl), Killip 37278,37320, 37361, 37440, 37530 (all F ) ; Alto Rio Paragua, Raudales de Maihia, elev500 m, 1 Jan 1962 (bud, fr), Steyermark 90502 (MICH); Raudal Surapire, elev510-525 m, 12 Jan 1962, Steyermark 90783 (MICH). BRAZIL. Amapa: Serra doNavio, Rio Amapari, elev 70-300 m, 25 Nov 1954 (fr). Cowan 38601 (MICH).Amazonas?: "Rio Negro," Martius (M!; type of E. sphaerosperma; cf Field Mus.neg. 20002); Rios Negro and Casiquiare, localities uncertain. Spruce 3428, 3793(both M I C H ).

  • Discussion

    Eugenia sphaerospermaDC.,DC.Vrodr. S: 279. 1828.

    Eugenia tenuiramis Miq., Stirp. Sur. Sel. 39. 1850.

    Eugenia perforata Berg, Linnaea 27: 236. 1856

    For description and additional synonymy see Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13(4) [Fl. Peru]: 695. 1958, or Amshoff (Fl. Suriname 3(2): 141. 1951). Usually Eugenia egensis can be recognized at once by the total lack of any pubescence, the bicolored leaves which when dry are much darker and usuahy markedly lustrous above, and abundantly dotted beneath with large dark or pale glands; and by the usuahy wehdeveloped and somewhat quadrangular axis of the raceme, bearing 4-8 approximate pairs of slender-pedicellate flowers. The species ranges from the Guianas to eastern Colombia, Peru and Bohvia; it is apparently most abundant in the upper Amazon and Orinoco basins. It has recently been reported from Costa Rica (Fieldiana Bot. 29: 466. 1963).

    The type of Eugenia perforata Berg, collected "in Guiana Anglica," was "Rich. Schomburgk, coh. n. 591," studied by Berg "in hb. Berol." It has presumably been destroyed. A specimen at Kew, received on exchange from Berlin, bears the number "294/591B," and is presumably a part of the original material, so may be designated lectotype. For an explanation of the numbering system used by the Schomburgk brothers, see the introduction to this paper.

  • Distribution

    BRITISH GUIANA. Pirara &c, Schomburgk 294'591B (K, lectotype of E.perforata), 294 (P, marked by Amshoff as type-collection of E. perforata); MatopeFalls, Cuyuni River, 4 Jun 1952 (fl), Fanshawe 3379 {Forest Dept. 6943) ( M I C H );Camaria Fahs, Cuyuni River, Forest Dept. 6952 ( M I C H ) ; Puruni River (trib. ofMazaruni), 18 Mar 1953 (bud). Forest Dept. 7725 (MICH). S U R I N A M E . Savannasof the interior, on the Suriname River, Kappler 1920 (U, type of E. tenuiramis).V E N E Z U E L A . Amazo

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