Myrcia crispa McVaugh
Maguire, Bassett. 1969. The botany of the Guayana Highland-part VIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 18: 1-290.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - Frutex vel arbor 1.5-5 m altus, foliis ramuhsque novellis, paniculis, et foliorum maturorum pagina inferiora, dense rufo-tomentosis; folia rigide coriacea,' obovata vel elliptica vel raro ovata, 3-9 cm longa, 2-4.5 cm lata, 1.5-2(-3)-plo longiora quam latiora, apice plerumque late obtusa, basi cuneatim angustata, marginibus revolutis, decurrentibus, nervo medio arete impresso; venis lateralibus marginalibusque inconspicuis;. paniculae crassiusculae, 3-5 cm longae, ramulis principalibus 9-15-floris. pedunculis 1.5-3 cm longis; bracteae mox deciduae; alabastra velutino-tomentosa. 3-3.5 mm longa; calycis lobi 5, late ovati, 1.7-2 mm longi latique, utroque tomentosi; stamina circa 60, antheris explanatis bilocularibus; ovarium biloculare, loculis biovulatis.
Description - Tree or shrub 1.5-5 m high, the young growth, inflorescence, and lower leafsurfaces densely rufous-tomentose; hairs of the leaves closely crisp-tomentose, those of the branchlets and especially of the hypanthium straighter, more spreading; leaves rigidly coriaceous, obovate to elliptic or ovate, 3-9 cm long, 2-4.5 cm wide, 1.5-2(-3) times as long as wide, broad and obtuse (or less often acute or very short-acuminate) at apex, cuneately narrowed to base, the strongly revolute margins decurrent on the inner angles of the petiole 1.5-2.5 mm thick, 5-8 mm long; midvein deeply impressed above, often persistently pubescent, very prominent beneath; lateral veins about 10 each side of the midvein in addition to a few smaller ones, inconspicuous above, obscured by the wool beneath; marginal vein about as strong as the lateral ones, 1-2 mm from the edge formed by the revolute margin; upper surface glabrous and lustrous, the lower obscured by the wool; inflorescence stout, 3-5 cm long, about twice compound, the principal branches each with 9-15 flowers or fewer; peduncle 1.5-3 cm long; bracts pale, thin, linear, 2.5-4 mm long, deciduous before anthesis; flowers sessile in 3's at the tips; buds pyriform, 3-3.5 mm long, the hypanthium 1.5-2 mm long; calyx-lobes 5, broadly ovate, all about the same size, 1.7-2 mm long and wide, tomentose on both surfaces, in bud cupped over the short globe of the petals; disk 2.5-3.5 mm wide, densely velutinous, concave or flat, the hypanthium-margin not prolonged; style not seen entire; stamens about 60, the anthers bilocular, explanate ("Myrcia type"), 0.3-0.4 mm long; petals about 3.5 mm long, pubescent on the outer surface; immature fruit obovoid, 5-6 mm long, crowned with the pale incurved calyx-lobes 2-2.5 mm long and wide; ovary bilocular, with two ascending ovules in each locule.
Distribution and Ecology: A high-montane species, known only from the following collections, at elevations of from 1800-2100 m. V E N E Z U E L A . Amazonas: Cerro Hauchamacari, Rio Cunucunuma, near summit camp, 13-17 Dec 1950 (bud, fl), Maguire et al 30183, 30287 (both M I C H ) , 30222 ( N Y ) ; Serrania Paru, Rio Paru, Cafio Asisa, in cumbre along west escarpment, Jan-Feb 1951 (fl, imm fr). Cowan & Wurdack 31086, 31304 (both M I C H ) , 31236 (MICH, type); Cerro de la Nebhna, Rio Yatua, S W of Cumbre Camp, 1-2 Dec 1957 (fl, imm ir), Maguire et al42271, 42272 (both M I C H ) . Bolivar: Meseta de Jaua, 4°45' N , 64°26' W , elev 1922-2100 m, 22-27 Mar 1967 (fl), Steyermark 97847 (VEN).