Symbolanthus elisabethae (M.R.Schomb.) Gilg
Maguire, Bassett. 1989. The Botany of the Guayana Highland- Part XIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 51: 1-127.
Scientific Name
Distribution and Ecology - Herbaceous annual or perennial, sometimes suflfrutescent, frequently collected at middle and upper elevations on the mesas ofthe Pakaraima Plateau and Gran Sabana. Once obtained at the south base of Serra de Neblina in Amazonian Brazil. GUYANA. Pakaraima Mountains. Trail along wet forest, 1140 m, 1 Jul 1960, Tillett, Boyan & Tillett 43945 (NY, unicate). Ayanganna. 900-1100 m, 1-7 Aug 1960, Tillett, Boyan & Tillett 44989 (NY). BRAZIL, amazonas: Southern outlier slopes, Serra da Neblina, 600-1300 m, 16 Dec 1965, Silva & Brazao 60653 (IPEAN, NY), (n.b., Nebhna specimen not wingstemmed).
Type. In sylvis profundis montium Roraima, Rich. Schomburgk 1024.
Leiothamnus elisabethae Rich. Schomburgk, Verhandl. Gartenb. Vereins Preussen 5: 18. pi 155, t. 1. 1847.
Lisianthus elisabethae (Schomb.) Grisebach, Linnaea 22:40. 1849.
Specimens examined. VENEZUELA, bolivar: Roraima. Common shrub, corolla red to pink, white and purple lined within, style white, distafly green, anthers white, 7700 ft, 9 Jan 1939, Pinkus 160 (NY); shrub with herbaceous stems 5-8 ft high, corolla lobes deep rose with 3-5 whitish stripes down center, 2200-2500 m, 27 Sep 1944, Steyermark 58742 (NY). Ptari-tepui. Branching herb 5 ft, 2400 m, 30 Oct 1944, Steyermark 59601 (F, NY); forest, 1500-2000 m ah., 17 Dec 1952, Maguire & Wurdack 33906 (NY, unicate). Chimantatepui. Herb 2 m, corolla royal pink, lobes reflexed, stems square, winged on angles, Sarven-tepui, 13 Jan 1953, Wurdack 34111 (F, NY, VEN); subherbaceous, 8-10 ft, 1600-1700 m alt., 5 Jun 1953, Steyermark 75662 (F, NY); Rio Tirica, 2000 m ah., 17 Feb 1955, Steyermark & Wurdack 881 (F, NY, VEN). Cerro Uei. Shrub 1.5 m, coroUa lobes reflexed, roadway km 125, 1100 m, 20 Apr 1960, Steyermark & Nilsson 399 (NY, VEN). La Escalera. Montane forest, 1000 m, 20-21 Aug 1962, Maguire, Steyermark & Maguire 46898 (NY, unicate). Ilu-tepui. Shmb or small virgate tree, branchlets sharply angled, flowers yellow outside, white within, cHff'base, 20 Mar 1952, Maguire 33531 (NY)