Maguire, Bassett. 1989. The Botany of the Guayana Highland- Part XIII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 51: 1-127.
Scientific Name
Genus Description - Twenty-one binomials under Symbolanthus are listed in "Index Kewensis" and the "Gray Herbarium Index." T w o specific names, S. yutajensis and S. camanensis, are proposed herein, and Steyermark and Maguire (1972) have described S. sessilis, also of Guayana. W e now recognize four species for Guayana, the widespread Symbolanthus elisabethae with its two subspecies, and the three indicated above, each of limited distribution. The genus ranges more broadly in the Andes. A critical review of the entire assemblage would probably indicate fewer tenable names than are now in the literature.