Trichomanes sellowianum C.Presl
Maguire, Bassett. 1984. The Botany of the Guyana Highland - Part XII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 38: 1-84.
Scientific Name
Trichomanes maximum Pohl ex Kunze, Linnaea 21: 240. 1848, non Blume. Type. Cordonpad near Joden Savanna, Surinam, Nov 1845, Kegel (holotype LZ destroyed?).
Trichomanes sellowianum var. decrescens Rosenst., Repert. Sp. Nov. Fedde 21: 345. 1925. Type. Santa Anna, Est. Sao Paulo, Brazil Brade 4398 (holotype S not seen).
Type. Brazil, Sellow (holotype B-Hb. Bras. 197 not seen or PR not seen; probable isotype K not seen photo 19071).
General distribution. Central Colombia to central Peru and Bolivia to southem Venezuela and southeastern Brazil. Guayana Highland distribution. Terrestrial.
Colombia South America| Peru South America| Bolivia South America| Venezuela South America| Brazil South America| Guyana South America|