Trichomanes hostmannianum (Klotzsch) Kunze

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1984. The Botany of the Guyana Highland - Part XII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 38: 1-84.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Trichomanes hostmannianum (Klotzsch) Kunze

  • Discussion

    Neurophyllum hostmannianum (Klotzsch) Linnaea I8: 532 1844

    Odontomanes hostmannianum (Klotzsch) Presl, Abhandl. K. Boehm. Gesell. Wiss. V, 6: 381

    Neuromanes abruptum v. d. Bosch, Nederi. Kruid. Arch. 4: 350. 1858, nom. superfl. Type. An illegitimate renaming of N. hostmannianum Klotzsch, and so based on the type of that name.

    Neurophyllum abruptum Fee (Mem. Fam. Foug. 1: 14, /. l,f. 5. 1845), which was cited by V. d. Bosch as a basionym, is a nom. nud. lacking a description and being an illustration without an analysis.

    Ptilophyllum hostmannianum (Klotzsch) Prantl, Untersuch. Morph. Gefaesskrypt. 1: 49. 1875.

    Trichomanes abruptum (v. d. Bosch) Christ, Hedwigia 44: 361. 1905, nom. superfl.

    Trichomanes huberi Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6: 992. 1898. Type. Cunany [Cunani, Terr. Amapa, Brazil], Huber 1099 (holotype P not seen Weatherby photo).

    Type. Surinam, Hostmann 75 (holotype B not seen; isotypes K not seen photos 19086, 19087, N Y , U not seen photo 126, U S ) . This collection also is the basis of Neuromanes affine Trev. (Atti Ist. Veneto II, 2: 163. 1851), a n o m . nud.

  • Distribution

    General distribution. Eastem Colombia and eastem P e m through southemVenezuela to Surinam and Amazonian Brazil.Guayana Highland distribution. Terrestrial, or rarely epipetric, in shade in wetplaces.

    Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Suriname South America| Brazil South America| Guyana South America|