Trichomanes trollii Bergdolt

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1984. The Botany of the Guyana Highland - Part XII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 38: 1-84.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Trichomanes trollii Bergdolt

  • Discussion

    Type. San Carlos (Mapiri), Depto. La Paz, Bolivia, 1200 m. Troll 2531 (holotype B? not seen fragm U S ) .

    Trichomanes trollii is not very m u c h distinct from T diversifrons (Bory) Mett. ex Sadeb. in Engl. & Prantl. T h e former species has narrow sterile frond segments which have mostly 2-3(-4) veins besides the costule mnning from the costa into each segment. T h e latter species has wider sterile frond segments which have mostly 5-8 veins. Obviously, the number of veins is correlated with segment width. T h e former species also has a narrower ala l(-2) m m from the sinus to the costae, whereas the latter species has a wider ala 1.9-3 m m wide. It is possible, however, to find some specimens which are difficult to place with certainty in either species, and so it m a y be that the two species form a continuum.

  • Distribution

    General distribution. Eastem Colombia to Surinam. Amazonian Bolivia.Guayana Highland distribution. Epipetric or terrestrial, rarely epiphytic.

    Colombia South America| Suriname South America| Bolivia South America| Guyana South America|