Trichomanes rigidum Sw.

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1984. The Botany of the Guyana Highland - Part XII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 38: 1-84.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Trichomanes rigidum Sw.

  • Discussion

    Trichomanes bifidum Vent, ex Willd., Sp. Pl. ed. 4, 5: 511. 1810. Type locality. West Indies.

    Trichomanes compressum Desv., Gesell. Naturf Freund. Mag. Berlin 5: 329. 1811. Type locality.

    Hispaniola, according to Weatherby (Contr. Gray Herb. 114: 35. 1936).

    Trichomanes mandiocanum Raddi, Pl. Bras. 64, t. 79, f 2. 1825. Type. Serra da Estrella, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Raddi (holotype FI not seen).

    Trichomanes firmulum Presl, Hymenophyll. 46. 1844, preprinted from Abhandl. K. Boehm. Gesell. Wiss. V, 3: 138. 1845. Type. Serra da Estrella, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Beyrich (holotype PR not seen; isotype L not seen photo 2455).

    Trichomanes daucoides Presl, Abhandl. K. Boehm. GeseU. Wiss. V, 6: 372, t. 7 1851, reprinted as Epim. Bot. 12, t. 7. 1851. Syntypes. Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua, Friedrichsthal (syntype PR not seen); and Sto. Tomas, Guatemala, Friedrichsthal (syntype PR not seen).

    Trichomanes krugii Christ ex Urban, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 24: 90. 1897. Syntypes. Eastem Cuba, Wright 903 (syntype K not seen; isosyntype US); Martinique, Duss 1531 (not seen); St.

    Vincent, Smith 485 (syntype K not seen); Grenada, Eggers 6145b and 6157b (neither seen); and Grenada, Sherring 129 (syntype K not seen; isosyntype US).

    Trichomanes rigidum var. mandiocanum (Raddi) Hieron., Hedwigia 45: 221. 1906.

    Trichomanes rigidum yslt. firmulum (Presl) Brade, Zeitschr. Deut. Ver. Wissensch. Kunst S. Paulo 1: 51. 1920.

    Selenodesmium rigidum (Swartz) Copel., Philippine J. Sci. 67: 81. 1938

    Type. Jamaica, Swartz (holotype S not seen photo 6184; isotype B-Hb. Willd. 20202-1 not seen Tryon photo).

    Occasionally depauperate or juvenile specimens are found, growing especially on rocks, which are less divided and much smaller than normal specimens. They look only slightly like specimens of normal size, but agree with normal specimens in their key characters.

  • Distribution

    General distribution. T h e Antilles, Trinidad, and Central America throughtropical South America.Guayana Highland distribution. Epipetric or terrestrial, rarely epiphytic on treetrunks, often along streams or near waterfalls.

    Trinidad and Tobago South America| Central America| South America| Guyana South America| Colombia South America| Venezuela South America|