Hieronyma Baill.
Liogier, Alain H. 1971. Novitates Antillanae. IV. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 21: 107-157.
Scientific Name
This genus was first reported from Haiti by Urban, who described one species, Hieronyma domingensis Urban, based on Buch 1229, from Morne La Selle in the southern peninsula; further material from several collectors extended the range; but untU 1968 the genus had not been reported from the Dominican Republic. My first collection was from a sterile shrub in the Barahona Mountains in the southern part of the country; the leaves are larger than those of the type collection of H. domingensis, probably immature; later, while exploring the region of Loma de la Sal in the Jarabacoa area, in the CordiUera Central, I collected fruiting specimens of an obviously undescribed species, very different from all known AntiUean species, because of its small, coriaceous and recurved leaves, and its short inflorescence; in the Cordillera Septentrional, I found again typical H. domingensis, agreeing with the Haitian specimens.