Faramea anisocalyx Poepp. & Endl. var. anisocalyx

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1967. The botany of the Guayana Highland--Part VII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 17: 1-439.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Faramea anisocalyx Poepp. & Endl. var. anisocalyx

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Amazonian drainage in Peru and Amazonas, Brazil.Specimens seen from departments of Loreto, San Martin, and Junin, Peru at elevations of 100-700 m, and from Amazonas, Brazil (Esperanca ad ostium fluminis Javary, silva non inundabili, Ducke 1136).

  • Discussion

    Faramea anisocalyx Poepp. & Endl., Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 28. 1845.

    Type. Tacaeho, San Martin, Peru, 1830, Poeppig 2030.

  • Distribution

    Amazonian drainage in Peru and Amazonas, Brazil.Specimens seen from departments of Loreto, San Martin, and Junin, Peru at elevations of 100-700 m, and from Amazonas, Brazil (Esperanca ad ostium fluminis Javary, silva non inundabili, Ducke 1136).

    Peru South America| Brazil South America|