Azorella pedunculata (Spreng.) Willd.

  • Authority

    Mathias, Mildred E. & Constance, Lincoln. 1955. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. Camp. Umbelliferae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9: 171-174.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Azorella pedunculata (Spreng.) Willd.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - Azuay: dense mats in meadow; along the Rio Matadero west of Cuenca, 10,000-10,500 ft. elevation, March 3, 1945, E-2009. Canar: in large "cushions" to 2 m. in diameter, the perianth segments yellowish-white; uplands called "Huairacaja," 10-20 km. northeast of Azogues, 11,000 ft. elevation, February 2, 1945, E-1752. Carchi: in dense tufts, the flowers white; paramo on southeast slopes of Volcan Chiles, 10,800-11,300 ft. elevation, August 17, 1944, E-321.

  • Discussion

    Bolax pedunculatus Spreng. Sp. Umbell. 10. 1818.

    Azorella pedunculata Willd.; Spreng. loc. cit. in syn.

    Pectophytum pedunculate Kunth in H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 22. pi. 425. 1821.

    Azorella peduncularis Wedd. Chlor. And. 2: 196. I860.

  • Distribution

    Azuay: dense mats in meadow; along the Rio Matadero west of Cuenca, 10,000-10,500 ft. elevation, March 3, 1945, E-2009. Canar: in large "cushions" to 2 m. in diameter, the perianth segments yellowish-white; uplands called "Huairacaja," 10-20 km. northeast of Azogues, 11,000 ft. elevation, February 2, 1945, E-1752. Carchi: in dense tufts, the flowers white; paramo on southeast slopes of Volcan Chiles, 10,800-11,300 ft. elevation, August 17, 1944, E-321.

    Ecuador South America|