Piper andreanum C.DC.

  • Authority

    Yuncker, Truman G. 1955. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. Camp. Piperaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9 (2): 147-170.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Piper andreanum C.DC.

  • Description

    Distribution and Ecology - AZUAY: along the Pan-American highway, 34 km s of Cuenca, 2760 m, Sept 20, 1944, E-454; along the Rio Matadero, west of Cuenca, 2880-3000 m, March 3, 1945, E-l982; Nudo de Portete, pass between headwaters of the Rios Tarqui (Atlantic) and Giron (Pacific), about 2700 m, March 10, 1945, E-2164; Cruz Pamba region above Banos, ca 15 km vicinity of the lake in the valley of the Rio Surucuchu (a branch of the Rio Matadero), 18-20 km west of Cuenca, 2940-3090 m, July 16, 1945, E-4208; the eastern cordillera, 1-8 km north of the village of Sevilla de Oro, 2400-2700 m, July 27-Aug 12, 1945, E-4274, E-4290, E-4516, E-4517. E-4518, E-4582, E-4667; ridge between El Pan and Guachapala, 2250-2940 m, Sept 4, 1945, E-5260. CAÑAR: north rim of the valley of Rio de Canar, near Suscal, April 23-25, 1945, Giler (Camp E-2830); region of San Marcos, about 10 km northeast of Azogues, 2850 m, Sept 25, 1944, Prieto P-79. CHIMBORAZO-CAflAR border (western escarpment): near Pimo, 3060-3120 m, July 9, 1945, E-4127. LOJA: Cerro Villanaco, ca 7 km west of the city of Loja, from pass to top, 2400-2850 m, July 28, 1944, E-234.

  • Discussion

    Some of the specimens cited above have small leaves representative of de Candolle's var. parvifolium. The variation in this character on certain individual specimens, however, is so great that it is not believed worthy of taxonomic segregation. The spikes on E-4127 are much shorter than is customary for this species. This character, too, is quite variable.

  • Distribution

    AZUAY: along the Pan-American highway, 34 km s of Cuenca, 2760 m, Sept 20, 1944, E-454; along the Rio Matadero, west of Cuenca, 2880-3000 m, March 3, 1945, E-l982; Nudo de Portete, pass between headwaters of the Rios Tarqui (Atlantic) and Giron (Pacific), about 2700 m, March 10, 1945, E-2164; Cruz Pamba region above Banos, ca 15 km vicinity of the lake in the valley of the Rio Surucuchu (a branch of the Rio Matadero), 18-20 km west of Cuenca, 2940-3090 m, July 16, 1945, E-4208; the eastern cordi

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